Freedom Is Not Free
Today’s blog is dedicated to all the men and women of the armed forces who have paid the price for my freedom and also to the first responders that responded on 9/11. You sacrificed more than most of us will ever know. You made lifelong friends and lost battle buddies along the way. Some of you have visible injuries and scars while others bear the hidden wounds of war. To you, I say thank you. I acknowledge and appreciate what you have done and continue to do for my freedom.
I do not claim to have a complete understanding of what it is like to serve in the armed forces. However, from a military spouse perspective, I do know and understand the sacrifice and the price paid for my freedom. I had a chance to visit Washington D.C. this summer and see the memorials of those that have fought and died in war as well as the Pentagon Memorial. Every memorial was a reminder of how very fortunate I am to live in America and how I take our precious freedoms for granted. It was the Pentagon Memorial that was the most impacting. Innocent lives were destroyed by the hands of evil.
My husband and I took some time this morning to reflect on 9/11. We discussed what we were doing that day, the weeks following and how our lives were changed forever as a military family. Interestingly on 9/11, I was getting ready to go to a women’s bible study at First Baptist Church in Milan, TN. We had just started Lord, Where Are You When Bad Things Happen? by Kay Arthur. It was a timely study on the book of Habakkuk and the sovereignty of God.
Through Kay’s teaching, we learned that everything that happens will somehow relate to God’s purpose for Israel or for His church. This was my response and prayer 14 years ago to the questions, “Do you think God is trying to get our attention? How? How do you think God would have you pray?”
“On September 11, 2001 over 5000* innocent people were killed at the WTC in NY. I believe God is trying to get our attention by allowing that to happen. We have lost innocent lives, but every day in America over 5000 babies are killed by abortion and we think nothing of it. America is a stiff-necked people and prideful. I believe God is trying to whew America back to Him.”
“I pray for our leaders and for the American people, that we will get on our knees and ask for forgiveness and we will worship the Lord. I pray for prayer to return to our schools. I pray for the Church to realize their position in Christ and the authority we possess. I pray that God will forgive our country.”
*It was later discovered that only 2996 including the 19 hijackers died.
God is still in control and there is a purpose in what He does. Not only does God have a purpose for the nations, but He has a purpose and plan for my life and your life. Part of that plan is to live a life of freedom. There is a freedom that far outweighs our rights as individuals and that is the freedom that Jesus Christ can give. I am choosing to no longer be a slave to sin. I am choosing to walk in the freedom that was paid for by Jesus Christ. Is it a path of least resistance? Actually, no, there seems to be more resistance. But, I choose to walk in faith each day. Guess what my friend? You have that choice too!
I am committed to this journey and will be posting here at least once a month if not more. My hope and prayer is that here at Eagles Rest Counseling, you will find refreshment for your soul and new ways that will help you experience freedom in Jesus Christ. I also pray for those of you suffering spiritually, emotionally or physically, that you would be able to find the necessary resources to help you, if not through Eagles Rest Counseling, but through other means. You are worth it!
For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.
2 Corinthians 10:3-6