Tips to Avoid Procrastination

Do you intentionally put off or delay some things that require immediate attention? Or do you think your team members are intentionally putting off or delaying items that you feel require immediate attention?
How Temperament Plays a Part in Procrastination
What is temperament? Temperament is the inborn part of you that determines how you react to people, places and things. It is how you interact with your environment and the world around you. Temperament pinpoints your perception of yourself and of the people who love you. It is also a determining factor in how well you handle the stresses and pressures of life.
There are three areas of interpersonal needs that govern our behavior in relationships and also determine how we approach the rest of our lives. They are inclusion, control, and affection. The five temperament types are Melancholy, Sanguine, Choleric, Phlegmatic, and Supine.
In this blog, I will only be focusing on the melancholy in control area. Melancholy’s are characterized by their need to be alone. They tend to be independent, realistic, artistic, and creative. They also tend to be deep thinkers. In the control area, it is determined how well they make decisions, how well they carry out their responsibilities, and how dependent or independent they are.
Some of the strengths of the melancholy in control are good decision-making capabilities, the ability to take responsibility in known areas, and good leadership abilities if allowed to deal in known areas or handle things at their own speed.
Some of the weaknesses of a melancholy in control is fear of failure, fear of the unknown, and procrastination. If a person with this temperament type is faced with making decisions and taking on responsibility in unknown areas, they are more apt to rebel and procrastinate. This is due to their severe doubts of their abilities. It is more about self than it is about the effect of lagging behind.
To the Procrastinator – Build Your Confidence
When placed in unknown situations, do you find yourself procrastinating? If so, the following tips will help you avoid procrastinating in the future and lead you to success in making sound decisions and taking on new responsibilities.
- Take the Arno Profile System Questionnaire, a clinical diagnostic tool, to discover your unique temperament.
- If you are a melancholy in control and tend to procrastinate in unknown areas, consider communicating in a safe environment your lack of confidence needed in the new area of responsibility.
- Give yourself adequate time to build your confidence by learning and developing the new skill.
To the Leader of a Procrastinator – Consider Confidence Building Time
If you are a leader, do you have a team player that can step into a leadership role, take on new responsibilities and make wise decisions? If so, the following tips will help you avoid having the procrastinator on your team.
- Have your team members take the Arno Profile System Questionnaire, a clinical diagnostic tool, to discover their unique temperament.
- Utilize the temperament profile to place individuals in the most suitable positions and for better productivity.
- When dealing with the melancholy in control individual, do not pressure them but allow adequate time to learn the new skill until they feel more confident.
Learning who you are and how God uniquely made you is very valuable. You are born with strengths and weaknesses and God has a specific plan for your life. God created the melancholy in control, and He knows they will need time to build their confidence. Work with Him and not against Him when it comes to weaknesses. Before you know it, you will be doing amazing things with your strengths.
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Philippians 4:13
Let all thins be done decently and in order.
1 Corinthians 14:40
And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.
Galatians 6:9